As we approach a new generation, there are many new devices that have come about in today’s society. Among these devices, one that stood out to me is the Biophotonic Scanner. The Biophotonic Scanner has been around for over two decades. The question is what is this Biophotonic Scanner? The Biophotonic Scanner is a cutting edge testing tool that non-invasively measures carotenoid levels in living tissue, providing an immediate indication of a person’s overall antioxidant levels. Everyone can instantly know their own antioxidant status, empowering individuals to make improvements to their diet and lifestyle, and help them to make an informed decision on which supplements are properly formulated to impact their antioxidant health. When I first heard of this, I was very shocked how such a device could inform us on what supplements we are lacking. I went to my doctor and he asked me would I like to try this scanner to check my antioxidant levels and I decided to give it a try. I was very amazed on the results it gave me! The test concluded that I was lacking Vitamin D, C, B12, and iron! I probably would have never known if I had not taken this test! I agreed to get the vitamins that I was lacking and now I have improved on my energy level, mental state, and skin quality. At first, I did not think this device would work, however, it worked miracles! To get an antioxidant test, just go to your doctor and request a test. The cost is usually 20 dollars out of pocket. The results would not take long to come back and you can choose if you would like to proceed with getting whatever supplements you need to get. If you are a smoker, then your test will show that you are lacking in many areas. It is worth a try in my opinion to get the test. I do not think you would go wrong by doing so. It can be said that this is an innovative technique for many people. The question is, have you all heard of the Biophotonic Scanner? Would you use this for yourselves? I would love to hear what you all think about this device.