When cooking or going out to eat, there are many meals to choose from. We can choose from meals that include meats or meals that may not necessary require any meats, upon one’s choice. There are many meal ideas that we can come up with that requires no meat at all, (meat substitution). A few examples of these meals would be sloppy joe, tacos, lasagna, hamburgers, spaghetti to name a few. I know one may think, “How can all of these meals possibly use a meat substitution?” To answer the question, the meals that I have mentioned can use a meat substitute such as, black beans. Black beans would be a good meat substitution if one may like beans in general, however, for the ones that may not be a big fan of beans, in general, may choose other alternatives. There are many more creative ways to make such meals without using black beans and can be found by simply using Google to come up with many other ideas on how to make the meals I have mentioned without using black beans and or meat in general. To break it down for the ones who make like black beans as a substitute, for example, sloppy joe can be simply made by using black beans, instead of ground beef, and other ingredients to one’s likings. Tacos, for example, can also include black beans and taco seasoning and what ever other ingredients one may like. Lasagna can also include black beans along with other ingredients one may desire. Spaghetti can also be used by using black beans as well. Black bean burgers may be one of my favorites to make, for this dish is very popular, not only at home but many restaurants. There are many more recipes that black beans can be used for. As mentioned earlier, there are other substitutes that may be used other than black beans, especially for the ones who do not care too much for beans, especially in these types of dishes. In my opinion, black beans are simple when it comes to dishes such as the ones I have previously mentioned. To sum it all up, if you want a meal without meat, there are many creative ideas and or recipes you can use for meat substitution. I have talked to more and more people who would like to make meals without using meats (ground beef etc.), but don’t know where to start. The dishes I have mentioned are a few to start with. There are not only meal ideas online, but there are also meal ideas in magazines, cookbooks, etc. It can be said it all depends on one’s preference as far as adding additional ingredients to whatever meals. I hope the information I have provided helps many. Thank you for taking the time to read this.