3 min readJan 22, 2021


When pertaining to prescription discount cards, it has been a question whether or not these cards actually work. There are thousands and thousands of people who receive these type of card in the mail and are skeptical about them because they think there are more to these type of cards than just taking them to the pharmacy and using them for discounts. The main question is do these cards really guarantee discounts on medicines? I can say from experience, that I do believe that these cards do really guarantee a discount. I have received cards from a company called SingleCare and you can save up to 80% off of all FDA-approved medicines, including pet medicines. SingleCare is the only prescription discount card company that let you use the cards on pets and I am excited that I can use my card as a discount on my dogs, cats, and guinea pigs that I have. There are other prescription discounts cards that have discounts, probably up to 80% off of medicines, however, these cards cannot be used on pet medicines and that is what makes SingleCare stands out from the rest of these companies, because the other companies do not offer discounts on pet med. It can be concluded with the pandemic currently going on, it can be said that these cards really do help. The reasons for this conclusion would be that more and more people are getting sick due to Covid-19, there are people who do not have insurance and may need these cards to save on high priced medicines that may not be affordable, there are people who have insurance and the insurance may not take off much of a discount, and there are people who have insurance and the insurance may have lapsed due to being laid off of a job or etc. There are many reasons and or benefits to these prescription discount cards. I have been using SingleCare for over a year and I do not regret the services. To understand how these cards work, you can choose to use the card over the insurance or just use the insurance, you cannot use both. Base on my experience, I have saved more money using these cards than using my insurance. It can be said that these cards are very beneficial. I know there are many people who may not have any discount cards and I can give the numbers to a discount card that I usually use now. I hope this help many people:

Authorization # 999123752

Bin # 610378

Group # 615989



AffordableMeds Discount Prescription Drug Card Save up to 80%

llse esta tarjeta en Wal mart y Sam’s Oub

Est.I tarjieta no es un seguro_

www.Afford11 bteMeds_o-.rg Engil ish — — -t)

Tarjeta de descuento

AffordableMeds para medicamentos recet.idos Alhorre has.ta un 80%

Member ID: 1005463792 Giroup ID:· COUR

No insurance?

BIN: 022799 PCN: 1000

Copay too high?

ID de Miembro: 1005463792 ID del Grupa� COUR

l_Sin seguro,?

BIN: 02.2799 PCN: 1000

Use this card at Wal mart and Sam’s Club

This card is not insurance..

By using all four of these numbers should get anyone the a discount, up to 80% off any FDA-approved medicines, including pet medicines, dental, optometry, and medical. I hope this article is helpful to all!




Written by Courtneywinborn

Hello, my name is Courtney Winborn. I have many hobbies and writing would be one of them. I enjoy doing this on my spare time. I look forward to knowing all.

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